;_ylt=Aqu5rlYDV3LB.XmkdACtHBxAw_IE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3OXIzMDMzBHNlYwM3MDM-WASHINGTON - Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist spoke by video to the first "Justice Sunday" evangelical rally in April, but he wasn't invited to address "Justice Sunday II," even though it's in his home state of Tennessee.
Since the first rally, the potential 2008 presidential candidate has angered the events' organizers by stating his support for expanded human embryonic stem cell research. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, was invited to speak at the Aug. 14 rally.
Family Research Council president Tony Perkins said Tuesday on the group's Web site that Frist's recently announced stem cell stance "reflects an unwise and unnecessary choice both for public policy and for respecting the dignity of human life." Perkins also has been annoyed with Frist for allowing a compromise on President Bush's judicial nominations.
:wow: Wow, they've REALLY got me convinced that Frist has fallen out of favor with them, how about you? :shrug: Golly gee, Frist has TOTALLY pissed them off now. Why, I'd bet that they'd NEVER SUPPORT HIM AGAIN! :eyes: Yep, Frist has swung so far to the left, he'd NEVER be a viable candidate for President! Why, he's positively a CENTRIST! At least that's what they'd like us to think. ;)
To paraphrase Bill the Bard, "Methinks the theo-cons doth protest too much"! How transparent is this? :spray: