Voter advocates filed a new lawsuit against Ohio's Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell and Gov Bob Taft the Coin Dealing Thieving Rat last week accusing Ohio of operating a voting system that fails to protect the right to vote and counting of provisional ballots and distribution of voting machines.
A spokesman for Blackwell claims that the responsibility lies with the county election boards, and that the suit was misdirected.
YEA! Right. Blackwell IS the one that distributed the voting machines here in Ohio. {I'm boiling now!} gets even more interesting:
The Franklin county Board of Elections Director Matthew Damschrodder accepted a check for $10,000 for the Republican Party from a representative of aa voting machine company!
Below is Blackwell's response to the article in the Columbus Dispatch about Damschrodder.
Blackwell States: "I hold those in my employ to the highest ethical standards. I would not tolerate Damschroderlike activity from either my secretary-of-state staff or my political-campaign staff."
Boy does that statement sound familiar. Sounds like Bush talking about Rove! So Blackwell why don't you fire the SOB, and then go fire yourself!