Dear Representative/Senator:
I am writing to request that you open a new investigation on the September 11th 2001 terror attacks.
It is now clear that the 9/11 Commission Report that was issued just about one year ago was a white-wash that not only omitted many key aspects of 9/11 but also distorted many of the events of 9/11 and events leading up to 9/11. Moreover, it is clear that there is an ongoing cover-up of governmental complicity in the 9/11 attacks. The 9/11 attacks (and the follow-up anthrax attacks) not only killed thousands of people directly, but also resulted in the start of two major wars that has killed thousands and thousands more people. Moreover, the 9/11 attacks led to the curtailing of our civil liberties, the cover-up of financial fraud, were a potent propaganda weapon for the Bush administration and acted as an all-purpose excuse for unpopular policies pursued by the Bush administration.
At this point, you are probably thinking one of two things as you read this. Either you know exactly what I am talking about, or you think I am some deranged constituent.
If you know exactly what I am talking about, and you refuse to do anything about it, shame on you. Shame on you. Your job is to guard this country from the abuses of power that have occurred since 9/11 and your job is not to cover-up evidence of governmental wrong-doing.
If you think I am merely a deranged constituent, you are woefully uninformed about 9/11. Either way, it is outrageous that the evidence of governmental complicity in 9/11 has not been investigated and the officials responsible prosecuted. This includes clear negligance by President Bush and Vice-President Cheney in the face of multiple clear warnings of an imminent attack. How can you even live with yourself when you allow these crimes to go unpunished? I will call again for the impeachment of President Bush, not only for negligence prior to 9/11 but also for covering up what happened on 9/11 and for his lies leading up to the Iraq war.
It is absolutely clear that President Bush and his administration have lied about the gravest matters of national security, from 9/11 to Iraq. And it is clear that this administration has abused its power in every possible way. If you are not disgusted by what this administration has done, you have been in Washington DC too long and it is time for you to go.
I have been researching 9/11 for almost two years now, and the fact is, we do not know why the plot was not stopped before it started, why the hijackers were not caught before the hijackings, how the actual hijackings occurred and why the air defense response was essentially non-existent that morning. There were abundant warnings that the 9/11 attacks were being planned, and I do not believe our intelligence community was so incompetent as to be completely unaware of these warnings. The only conclusion I can draw is that portions of the government allowed or even facilitated the 9/11 attacks. I realize that this is an extremely harsh and saddening accusation, but after studying the facts, it is an accurate accusation.
Why did the 9/11 commission report completely ignore the fact that several NORAD wargames that being run on 9/11, including a live-fly hijacking exercise?
Why did the 9/11 commission report completely ignore the fact that FBI agent Robert Wright resigned in protest over the fact that his investigations into terror suspects that were involved in 9/11 were repeatedly shut down by his superiors?
Why did the 9/11 commission report completely ignore the terrorist connections to the information technology company Ptech that had access to several of the US government's most sensitive computer systems?
Why did the 9/11 commission report ignore the fact that the Pakistani ISI Chief General Ahmed sent money to lead hijacker Mohamed Atta?
Why did the 9/11 commission report ignore the fact that the Pakistani ISI is extensively connected to both Al Qaeda as well as to our CIA?
Finally, why is Osama bin Laden still at large?
These are just a very few of the major questions that are unresolved about 9/11.
Again, I urge you, with the future of our country at stake, to re-open investigation in 9/11. By maintaining the cover-up of US governmental complicity in 9/11, you are complicit in these crimes too.