Startling new evidence of a growing political convergence - and collaboration - among far-right proponents of anti-abortion direct action and the neo-Nazi movement in Canada and the United States, has recently surfaced.
Tom Metzger, fuhrer of the Fallbrook, California-based,
White Aryan Resistance, has said, "Almost all abortion doctors
are Jews. Abortion makes money for Jews. Almost all abortion
nurses are lesbians. Abortion gives thrills to lesbians. Abortion
in Orange County is promoted by the corrupt Jewish organization
called Planned Parenthood... Jews must be punished for this
holocaust and murder of white children along with their perverted
lesbian nurses." (9)
Meanwhile, the Denton, Texas-based anti-abortion
organization, Life Dynamics Incorporated claims that 26% of all
doctors who perform abortion are Jewish; an assertion that a
spokesperson for Planned Parenthood has called "ludicrous." (10)
However, running with the theme of Jewish doctors
"controlling the "abortion industry", Life Dynamics Incorporated
has printed and distributed tens of thousands of copies of an
overtly-racist and anti-Semitic "comic book," Bottom Feeder. One
of Bottom Feeder's "jokes" implicitly favors Hitler over
physicians who perform abortion:
"Q: What would you do if you found yourself in a room with
Hitler, Mussolini and an abortionist, and you had a gun with only
two bullets? A: Shoot the abortionist twice." Echoing the claims of the neo-Nazi movement, the
"mainstream" Catholic organization, Human Life International
(HLI), asserts that a "Jewish conspiracy" is the controlling
force behind the "abortion industry." (12)
HLI's founder, Father Paul Marx, has written in his
autobiography, "Confession Of A Pro-Life Missionary:" "Notice how
many Jews led the infamous 1971 abortion-planning meeting in Los
Angeles which I exposed... note the large number of abortionists
(consult the Yellow Pages) and pro-abortion medical professors
who are Jewish." (13)
Fr. Marx, however, does not stop there. Similar to the
propaganda claims of Holocaust Revisionist's, Marx asserts that
"a segment of the Jewish community... more or less led the
greatest holocaust of all time, the war on unborn babies." (14)
According to Planned Parenthood researchers, Karen Branan and
Frederick Clarkson, HLI "resurrects that most vicious piece of
historical anti-Semitism: child-killing Jews." (15)
Barry Wray, president of the local Pro-Life Society in
Melville, Saskatchewan, told a Vancouver Sun reporter that he is
an associate of Wolfgang Droege, the founder of the white
supremacist Heritage Front (HF). Wray has said he also attended a
1986 Aryan Nations meeting at Hayden Lake, Idaho; a leading
center of the white supremacist and Christian Patriot movement
throughout North America. (16)
Denying that Hitler's genocidal campaign against Jews was a
central component of the German Reich's policy, the Aryan Nations
Liberty Net claimed ten years ago, "There must be nearly 15
million sheep here in the U.S. Those controlled not only by the
Jew media but are pushed by unthinking people through peer
pressure into killing their own children. We the enlightened
minority must show the docile mass why these murders are
happening. The word must be passed along, an alarm must be
sounded. Periodic disruptions of these murder parlors can only
slow down the real holocaust!!!!!"
Rev. Matthew Trewhella, MTP's director, is a National
Committee member of the far-right United States Taxpayers Party
(USTP), chaired by Howard Phillips of The Conservative Caucus.
Trewhella, an original signer of Rev. Paul Hill's Defensive
Action Declaration, is a leading member of both organizations in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin and nationally. (26)
Andrew Burnett, director of Advocates For Life Ministries
(AFLM) and publisher of Life Advocate magazine, is another
individual with extensive ties to the USTP. On numerous
occasions, racist skinheads, members of the neo-Nazi American
Front, have blockaded women's clinics in Portland alongside AFLM
In June 1994, Trewhella and more than 20 MTP/USTP members,
participated in a weapon's training exercise at the rural farm of
MTP members, Robert and Mary Briedis. (27)
At the May 1994 Wisconsin state party convention of the
USTP, Rev. Trewhella railed against "socialist elitists," and
abortion providers. During the convention, the 100-page,
"Principles Justifying The Arming And Organizing Of A Miltia",
was sold for $1 to participants. Published by The Free Militia,
the text is an amalgam of Christian Patriot doctrine on "biblical
inerrancy" as well as a practical guide for organizing
paramilitary combat cells. (28)
The USTP is an extremist organization with ideological and
organizational links to the theocratic wing of the Christian
Right, the "dominion theology" or Christian Reconstructionist
strain of the movement. (29)
The USTP's asserts that "all civic law should emerge from
biblical law", and that "The U.S. Constitution establishes a
republic under God, not a democracy." (30)
Rousas John (R.J.) Rushdoony, the premier ideologist of
Christian Reconstructionism has written that democracy is a
"heresy" and that "Supernatural Christianity and democracy are
inevitable enemies." Rushdoony addressed the founding convention
of the United States Taxpayers Party. (31)
The links between the anti-abortion movement, the armed wing
of the Christian Patriots, and anti-Semites, white supremacists
and neo-Nazis do not stop here, however.
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