The GOP God Squad is having their second Meetup this Sunday, and Bill Frist won't be there despite the fact it is being held in Nashville, Tennessee:
http://www.justicesunday.comIt's possible he may have been disinvited because he dared to figure out this week that stem cell research is actually good science. Instead, the lownote speaker will be ... *drumroll, please* ...
Tom DeLay.Do you think he'll be talking about his golf game?
Check out this awesome lineup of speakers (here they are pictured not really standing together);
Senator Zell Miller D-Ga. (HA! Everybody knows crazy ol' Uncle Zell is a Republican who can't find the exit door to the Democratic Party)
Tony Perkins, Family Research Council (I thought that this 'Psycho' actor passed away a few years ago...)
Dr. James Dobson, Focus on the Family (alas, in spirit but not in body -- that means he'll be appearing on videotape)
Chuck Colson, Prison Fellowship Ministries (former Watergate criminal and the man who recently said:
"it is not honorable to leak classified information to the press". He was NOT talking about Karl Rove)
Phyllis Schlafly, Eagle Forum
Cathy Cleaver Ruse, Family Research Council (OK, who else knew that Wally and The Beaver had a
Bill Donohue, Catholic League, Dr. Jerry Sutton, Two Rivers Baptist Church, Bishop Harry Jackson, Hope Christian Church, Ted Haggard, National Association of Evangelicals
I found a better portrait of
La Cucaracha Grande that they could have used: