in the twin-bombing, which was the corporate media 'official' figure you were all supposed to remember permanently. Then just a few days later the BBC issued a very quiet, almost unseen, and hard-to-find update on its website, advising, "The death toll from the weekend's twin suicide bombings in the northern Iraqi city of Irbil has risen to 101". most blatant and continually recycled lie is that 'foreign insurgents' and 'al Qaeda terrorists' are to blame for western soldiers being killed and critically injured in Iraq, but nothing could be further from the truth. Veteran journalist Robert Fisk trashed this lie completely when he visited Baghdad Airport several weeks ago.
Out of approximately 5,000 prisoners held at the airport, less than 200 were non-Iraqis, of whom Fisk reported, "more than ninety-percent were already living and working in Iraq before the invasion". The truth of the matter is that the Zionists are now frantic to complete their impossible dream of stealing Iraq's oil reserves, and intend to sacrifice your son in an illegal 'war' that can never be won.
As if things were not already bad enough for Americans, they are about to get a whole lot worse. Frightened by angry rumbles from deep within the Pentagon about getting America's premier military units back home out of harm's way, the war criminals on Capitol Hill have authorized unprecedented numbers of reservists and national guardsmen
to take their place, "A huge rotation of US forces is under way in Iraq that will see more than 100,000 reservists and national guardsmen deployed in the largest and most hazardous reserve mission since the Vietnam War".
Put another way, in order to placate an increasingly hostile and potentially very dangerous 'West Point' patriotic mindset inside its military structure, America's Zionist minions in Washington are sending inexperienced bank managers, store clerks and the unemployed to replace experienced full-time line troops in Iraq, who themselves are currently facing more than 50,000 incredibly dangerous Spetsnaz-trained Iraqi Special Forces.
Those reservists and guardsmen interviewed by the corporate media have bravely if somewhat stupidly stated they will "do their duty for America", though many must be vaguely wondering by now what a Zionist attack on Iraq's sovereign oil reserves has to with America at all. Because they have been watching events unfold on CNN, several of
these reserve units have been rather ingeniously fitting home-made armor plating to the sides of their jeeps, to protect themselves from 'roadside bombs' after they arrive. Sadly, no one had told them that CNN's roadside bombs are a creative propaganda myth, and that
no homemade armor plate on earth can withstand the vertical shock wave from an Iraqi culvert bomb.
These reservists are mere cannon fodder, designed to buy time while academic Zionists try to think of other ways of stealing Middle East oil. As you might expect, no one in New York gives a damn how many reservists get blown sky high by culvert bombs, or shot down by heat seekers.
It is difficult to estimate how much longer ordinary Americans and the regular American military will stand for this rubbish, and the reckless squandering of lives in a foreign land by officials who long ago voided the American Constitution, in their desperate and
unlawful attempts to secure America and the world for an insane Zionist 'One World Order'. There is no shortage of names for the war crimes trials, and these are just for those particular war crimes committed against the American People.
We already have Bush, Cheney, Perle, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Rice and a few others to share the limelight,
To properly understand Iraq today, we need to look briefly at how the Republican Guard handled the initial invasion, why its members abandoned all of their armored vehicles, and why they deliberately left the Gates of Baghdad open for the American invaders. Then we need to examine the vast arsenals of Iraqi conventional weaponry available to the thousands of small Republican Guard counter-insurgency teams, and some of their asymmetric warfare techniques. Before we do that, let us first work out 'who is who' in this unequal contest, because propaganda used by the western corporate media has led to considerable creative confusion.
(More on site with photos of craters that homemade explosives could not make)
Comments from BBC online:
~~~~If this is liberation, I'd hate to see what America would be doing if it was actually trying to harm the Iraqis. This sorry episode has actually made oppressed people everywhere reconsider just how much they would like to be "liberated" by the USA. If they don't have any oil, they don't have anything to worry about.
Gary Chiles, Wellington, New Zealand
My brother is a retired US army soldier who has been in Iraq close to two years, working for a US security company. He was recently telling me about his work in Iraq and how they always feared an ambush. I asked him what vehicle he drove: a Suburban was his reply. I suggested he use a less American-looking vehicle that would not let would-be attackers know they were coming a mile away. His reply: "then the Americans soldiers might shoot at us". With the Suburban, he chose the lesser of two risks. Make your own deductions about life in Iraq for Iraqis.