...It's part of the BFEE tradition.
"There are three things to remember:
Claim everything.
Explain nothing.
Deny everything."
— Senator Prescott Bush (Bones 1917)
Crime & Corruption
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Title: The Tactics of Disinformers (Know It When You See It)Source: SiaNews.com
URL Source:
http://www.sianews.com/modules.php? name=News&file=article&sid=2163&mode=&order=0&thold=0
Published: Dec 27, 2004
Author: unknown
Post Date: 2004-12-27 20:10:43 by toddbrendanfahey
December 28, 2004
In the game of chess there exists a term; which describes a maneuver, a stratagem, and a ploy; using different pieces working together, to accomplish a secret purpose. This is called a gambit.
Those who hope to build totalitarian control over freedom loving people, also use many gambits. BUT, the chess player has the advantage of always knowing which pieces are on the other side. Those who would defend liberty have no such luxury. The most treacherous player in the gambit is the false patriot. The false patriot will present himself as a defender of liberty, BUT he will spend most of his time attacking the defenders of liberty, under numerous pretenses. The false patriot will attempt to re-direct attention in every direction EXCEPT at those, who are building tyranny. The false patriot will attempt to re-direct attention to an entire race, a religion, a large group with a few problems, or even against patriots. This is essentially the very old military strategy of the creation a "decoy to draw enemy fire." The ultimate success of this deception is to cause defenders of liberty to "fire" on non-combatants, or even to "fire" on their own friends, and allies. In addition, the false patriot will neutralize the efforts of the defenders of liberty. The false patriot, like every other player in the gambit, will neutralize the efforts of the defenders of liberty by:
1. Deceiving the defenders of liberty into supporting hoaxes.
2. Dividing the defenders of liberty into fighting each other by creating strife among patriots.
3. Deceiving the defenders of liberty into creating class struggle by promoting ethnic hatred.
4. Attempting to waste the time of patriots, by forcing them to respond to personal attacks, or endless debate about trivia.
5. Using multiple aliases to create the appearance that there is someone, who believes them to be credible.
6. ABOVE ALL: Accusing the most effective patriots of being false opposition.
THE GOLDEN RULE OF DISINFORMERS: Always accuse your adversary of whatever is true about yourself...
Remember, Bush! We're on to your treasonous ass!