There's a restaurant here in town where I work part-time on the week-ends. The restaurant has a lot of part time week-end workers that come from all walks of life. One of the waitresses is a teacher during the week,the bartender is an accountant,one of the cooks does some sort of phone tech thing...my point is,they're not all young inexperienced kids. Anyway,what happened was,right after we closed the restaurant manager said to me,"You follow this political stuff...what's up with the California recall?" I gave her my opinion that the recall was BS,and then someone else asked about WMDs in Iraq,and I gave them my opinion,and then someone said,"Now,Bush is the republican right?",and then someone else said, "Clinton got impeached because he killed Vince Foster?" I began to realize how pathetically uninformed people really are,but they aren't uninterested..they really do want to know.
I didn't want to turn them off so I was careful to not dominate the conversation,or go off on a rant,and I left ample opportunity for the topic to be changed,but what happened instead was before long I had an audience of about 15 people,all very interested,asking questions,and saying repeatedly,"we WANT you to tell us,I really want to understand this stuff". I loved it,and while I don't claim for a second to be an authority,it wasn't hard because the questions were so easy.
The real reason I'm posting this though is because I was thinking about what would happen if someone like the people I was talking to last night would wander into this site looking for the answers themselves,and innocently make a statement about Clinton killing Vince Foster. A lot of people don't have a belief system about politics,they have an opinion based on whatever information they've heard,and that opinion can easily be changed by correcting or adding to the information that they've picked up along the way.
It doesn't do us any real harm if a freeper gets by our radar occasionally because we gave them the benefit of the doubt,but it does do harm if we alienate a potential dem voter because we assumed they must be an infiltrator. I know there have been lots of other posts made about how we should be careful when it comes to categorizing new posters,but last night made me realize that even if someone voices some totally repub line of BS,it doesn't necessarily mean that they're attached to that BS. Soooo....I've come to make a plea for tolerance...