The question is, why did he take the case? I'm not going to read to much into it as yet, considering it's from the MSM. But if the facts are true, it does make me think Ann Coulter was on to something about him being a closet liberal.
3 posted on 08/03/2005 9:49:06 PM PDT by balch3
Why would a conservative do work to advance leftism?
4 posted on 08/03/2005 9:50:21 PM PDT by k2blader (Hic sunt dracones..)
But, you see, it's perfectly fine because "that's what lawyers do--work for their clients".
Stop being so judgmental.
< /sarc >
6 posted on 08/03/2005 9:52:00 PM PDT by k2blader (Hic sunt dracones..)
This is bad news. The issue was too important to treat as a purely professional matter. Unless the story is badly wrong, we now have our first piece of genuinely disturbing news about Roberts. When the Rats praise a Republican, there's almost always a reason.
We still have to support the guy, and we can still hope that he'll be with us 90 percent of the time. But even a justice who is 10 percent wrong can do a lot of damage.
10 posted on 08/03/2005 9:55:08 PM PDT by California Patriot
It's one thing to be hired to represent a client. It's another to do volunteer work for free. That infers you believe the client's cause is worthy.
Weren't there any conservative organizations that needed free legal representation?
14 posted on 08/03/2005 9:57:40 PM PDT by balch3
This one, IMO, takes the cake:
The people that know him, back him, and I do not consider Mark Levin as a person who I should question, Mark says Roberts is a solid choice, and all this chatter is nothing but Liberal Pap in my humble opinion
23 posted on 08/03/2005 10:09:01 PM PDT by MJY1288 (Whenever a Liberal is Speaking on the Senate Floor, Al-Jazeera Breaks in and Covers it LIVE)