After taking in what happened in Ohio, I think there is much we can learn. Yes, we CAN win in in predominantly republican districts. Yes, we have to have the right message. But, most importantly we PROBABLY have to have the RIGHT type of messenger. Hackett was: male, white, protestant, married with children, war veteran who is "plain spoken" (even cusses) and rides a motorcycle. What's there not for a republican (especially rural ones) to love. It goes against my liberal grain to say that we should ONLY run these types of people in predominantly republican districts. I hate even using the word "type" of people. However, the PRACTICAL side of me that wants us to start WINNING again thinks that maybe we have stumbled onto the right formula. Most republicans that I know like to vote for people who "look like them" (yes, it may play into their bigotry -albeit some are more blatant than others - but, believe me, there are many who simply will not vote for certain "types" of people). Again, this goes against my grain to say that we should do this and I am not advocating it in districts where Dems are in the majority or where the breakdown is close to even. However, in districts where we have to pull in a significant crossover of republican voters to win, maybe it's something to think about.