Francisco talk radio host Melanie Morgan falsely suggested on the August 1 edition of MSNBC's Hardball With Chris Matthews that the Iraqi armed forces have reached 60 percent "readiness." In fact, while Iraqi forces have reached 60 percent of their recruiting goals, a recent Pentagon brief contradicts Morgan's claim of readiness. The brief indicates that only a small fraction of current Iraqi units are capable of fighting insurgents without coalition support.
Morgan recently traveled to Iraq with other conservative radio hosts as part of the " 'Voices of Soldiers' Truth Tour" that, in Morgan's words, was intended to "get the story straight from them
without the filter of the liberal media." The tour was organized by Move America Forward (MAF), a conservative activist group co-chaired by Morgan, and the RighTalk Radio Network. Other "Truth Tour" reporters included MAF co-chairman Howard Kaloogian -- a former Republican state assemblyman and U.S. Senate candidate from California -- and Sacramento radio host Mark Williams. A article about the "Truth Tour" quoted Williams as saying, "We are Americans first and journalists second, as opposed to the crop of 'pinkos' that tell us on the news every night that America is going to hell in a handbasket."
... A very interesting article here on the pentagon involvement in the tour and a dirty tricks PR firm...