Edited on Thu Aug-04-05 08:52 AM by ET Awful
Second, that attack took place less than a month after Clinton took office, I have yet to see anyone, least of all Bill Clinton blame the previous administration for that attack. Yet, somehow, an attack that takes place 9 months after he leaves office is his fault?
Additionally, the attack on the Cole took place just prior to him leaving office. There was a planned response to that attack which involved the very tactics of special forces operations and aerial support that was later used by the Bush administration in Afghanistan. This was not implemented in December of 2000 because Clinton had the foresight to not dump a military engagement in the lap of his successor, unlike George HW Bush who dropped the Mogadishu situation in Clinton's lap when he left office.
When Bill Clinton ordered attacks in reprisal for the embassy bombings, he was attacked by the right for "waggin the dog." When he wanted to go after Bin Laden, he was accused of focusing the fight against terrorism too much on one man.
This information is easily available to anyone who actually looks for themselves instead of listening to Limbaugh and his like-minded liars.
Edit: You should also mention that Reagan did NOTHING in response to the bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut which killed 241 American marines. And, if you REALLY want to chap his hide, remind him that immediately following that Beirut attack, the French miliatry barracks in Beirut was also bombed. The French, unlike Ronald Reagan, responded with an attack on Iranian Revolutionary Guard positions.