While searching around yesterday for more information on how the various activist groups on the left and right are combatting the New Freedom Initiative's mandatory mental health screenings, I came across this helpful list on the HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) web site:
http://www.hslda.org/docs/nche/000000/00000070.aspMost of what's on the list is just common sense crap: "Get the social worker's business card -- don't let them search without a warrant -- etc." Then I came to numbers 9 and 10.
9. Inform your church, and put the investigation on your prayer chain. Over and over again, HSLDA has seen God deliver home schoolers from this scary scenario.(*sigh* Things like this just make it even more difficult to expel the rumors of all parents who homeschool doing so for religious purposes.)
10. Avoid potential situations that could lead to a child welfare investigation.
a. Conduct public relations with your immediate neighbors and acquaintances regarding the legality and success of home schooling.
b. Do not spank children in public.
c. Do not spank someone else's child unless they are close Christian friends.
d. Avoid leaving young children at home alone.Whoa! I had to read that one again... "do not spank someone else's child UNLESS they are close Christian friends." Yup, that's what I thought it said. I guess only "close Christian friends" would accept someone outside of their family beating their children? My how the church has changed. (Naw, I'm not even going to make comment on the other three sub-categories. I'm sure you can deal with those yourself.)