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A more benign view of the non-political America

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steve2470 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-04-05 10:51 AM
Original message
A more benign view of the non-political America
Before you reach for your keyboard to flame, I'm admitting upfront that I've been guilty of slamming ordinary voters. With that said, I just want to present "the other side of the coin". I come from a VERY political family. Everyone in my family is an old-fashioned Democrat from the pre-1980 South. I grew up talking to my Dad and older brother about Watergate and politics. My brother has evolved into a very active progressive in north Florida. My dad voted for McGovern in 1972 and has given money to the Democrats.

After Ford pardoned Nixon in 1974, I became completely disgusted and disillusioned with politics and vowed to IGNORE it because all politicians were liars and corrupt. I still voted for Democrats and educated myself on ballot measures, but that was it. 2 years ago, I started listening to AM radio for a change of pace. Hannity started attempting to brainwash me. Thank God for DU last year. I threw off the BS from Hannity and caught up (somewhat)with some other DU'ers.

My point is, the problem with ordinary voters is EDUCATION, which is mainly accomplished through the mass media. Let's face it folks, most voters are not going to come here and read like we do. They're going to watch the boob tube, listen to the radio, and maybe read the newspaper. Then they feel, with some justification that they are up to speed on politics. WRONG, as we all know. Ordinary voters are the unwitting victims of the RW corporate media. was I until last year. I am so happy for DU, AAR, progressive radio and hopefully the new TV network by Al Gore.
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SharonAnn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-04-05 10:55 AM
Response to Original message
1. That's what the article in The Nation says about why Bernie Sanders
is so successful in Vermont. He holds Town Hall type meetings, brings in experts with him, and discusses real topics and the pros and cons.
He has been doing this for many years. He's a "Socialist" and is re-elected handily every term. He'll probably be the new Senator from Vermont after the 2006 election. He's currently the state's only Representative.

He provides real information to the people, shows them where and how the "gobbledy-gook" they being told by the conservatives is untrue and wil damage them, and is not ashamed of being against all these "good-sounding" bills that are being presented in the House and Senate.

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steve2470 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-04-05 10:59 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. That's fantastic. He's educating the voters with the truth nt
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