Dominic Serino, 9, and Ryan Decker, 11, were making a $130 "killing" selling lemonade, Ryan's mother, Angela, said.
That is until a nearby vendor of sausages and lemonade complained.
Jarrod Crowley, a worker at the sausage stand, reported the boys to police Saturday, saying their stand was affecting his business. He said he didn't want the stand closed, just moved farther away.
Because the boys didn't have a $2,200 vendor's license, police were forced to shut down their operation.
Absolutely classic. You are an adult, have a license, have displays and additional products, and still can't compete with an 11 and 9 year old selling lemonade so you call the cops.
If this had happened in my neighborhood, the asshole would have been surrounded by picket signs for a week.
Just because you CAN take action under the law, does not necessarily mean you SHOULD.