http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6210240/Congress needs to control its 'roid rage (Keith Olbermann)
NEW YORK - When it comes to sporting competitions, politicians do not know when to leave well enough alone.
This was true in 1804 - consider the famous Aaron Burr/Alexander Hamilton clash, the first major game of skill to be held in New Jersey (and the possible origin of the cliché “He won the whole shooting match”).
So it is true in 2005 - Congress is not going to be able to prosecute baseball’s Rafael Palmeiro on perjury charges. And simply because he wagged his finger at them just like Bill Clinton, they’re not going to impeach him, either - let’s get that straight right off the bat.
It’s a truly simple proposition, one that should have been simple enough even for the otherwise unemployable people who we keep solvent in Washington thanks to the generosity of taxpayers like you and me.