Ever since I found out that the crazy sex cults in Kubrick's movie Eyes Wide Shut were real and then when Bush and Kerry's ties to skull and bones were mentioned, I woke up to the realization that these folks are seriously wigged out.
I guess that is what happens when you get uber-rich, you go nuts cause your daddy was a drunk, abusive, womanizer and your mother was a rich, stick in the ass bitch. All your friends fuck you over and talk about you behind your back and you just naturally fall into devil worship.
Dick may not have been born rich, but there can be no doubt that he is playing with some serious evil voodoo.
What do you think he does in that underground lair of his? I'll tell you he is wearing a brown rob, in a room lit with candles, and tied to an alter is some poor defenseless goat or sheep just about to get Cheneyed. There may be a white persian cat somewhere in the room, but part of me thinks that he like to do the slaughtering alone. The cat is just for show.
It is so sad, but we all know it's true.