I have a feeling, and I've been pretty good at seeing where things are headed (in college 22 years ago I drunkenly told my pals that in 20 years we'd be "goose stepping for Jesus all over the world") --
And the feeling is, that this switch to "Extremism" and words like "Ideology" being tossed around all at once as talking points usually lead to something they have in mind.
They always test things out on the lowest or poorest in Society, those who can't afford lawyers or have had the social net removed before their eyes.
Or brown people they decide to blow up this particular war.
I think that they have things pretty much in place, people will accept just about any job in many places, or join the military. They can stop anyone at anytime and search them, if you complain it's off to the corp prison with you, etc..
They may be practicing in the middle east, just like they used to hand over the 2nd wave weapons to middle easterners before to try on each other, now they are personally invested, making money off the McTroops as Halliburton fodder..
My point is this. LIBERALS may and are really, considered "Extreme" in their views, websites, writings, art, looks, etc.
Liberals (we could even call them Democrats) share a common "flawed" "Ideology" - they are out of step with regular americans - put the troops at risk by asking questions, etc, etc..
I have a sinking feeling that the fix is in and that it's only a matter of time before we see a disasterous portion of our history repeated.. this time it will be US. People like us, thinkers, rebels with a cause, people with more than a 7 second attention span..
The borders are being regulated and controlled, new laws may be passed to allow citizen Vigilantes, ARMED with the blessing of the Govenor of whatever state decides to be included.
There exists at this time a world wide terror alert, asking that Americans basically NOT Travel for fear of assasination, kidnappings, beheadings, you name it..
When you go through an airport you have to do the Jesus act as I call it - arms out, sandals only, look straight ahead and don't crack any jokes while you are pawed..
Anyone on subways or busses with a backpack is now suspect, armed troops patrolling cities and mass transit with big GUNS in their hands.
When the rich and powerful crash systems they just get all the land they can buy and new slaves. We get a bag of straw by a warm stove and a glass of milk if we don't complain - at least if history is any measure..
Move to where you really, really want to live for the rest of your life, make sure you can grow or hunt or fish for food, look for smaller communities where everyone can vouch for each other, make sure there's a really RICH section near where you live since you may gain the protection offered to them. Do/make something that gives you bliss each day, make your job your happiness, and be more kind to people, you may need their help when you and they least expect it.
Might even want to learn how to rewire a generator, etc :) I've moved off the mainland and could probably live quite well if there was no such thing as electricity any more... I sort of figure if a bug got loose in the world they could shut off plane travel to the Islands here and maybe we'd become the garden of eden while the rest of the world died from some exotic, potentially manufactured disease..
Maybe it's too late in the morning for me to be posting, maybe I'm getting punchy, but I've had a "spider sense" all my life that's kept me from dying dozens of times, and it's glowing cherry red as the Bush Regime creeps forward.
I never thought the day would come where *I* would sound like one of those survivalist nutjobs, but the world seems to be getting complicated and Fast - Look at Britain, Blair is now trumpeting the deportation of "Extremists" and those that "hate" - just exactly what does that mean? I think it means trouble, and not just for muslims..
I miss the Clintons and what came before real bad, the 70's were a blast, so much freedom.. I even enjoyed serving my country in the Air Force during Nam.. but it seems like that nation I was fighting for was a very different country..
What really scares me is the sinking thought that this is where America Used to Be...