A senior White House official (probably George Tenet) told the Washington Post that at least two top White House officials leaked the identity of Joe Wilson's wife as a CIA agent. This is, of course, a felony, and in a country with a real press corps instead of a bunch of elitist whore-pigs, this thing would make Watergate look like Clinton's fictious $1,000 haircut.
Instead, CNN is running some "sexy" story on the Medellin cartel and Carlos Escobar, who, last time I checked, is dead, and not part of the Bush administration (though he'd probably raise the group integrity level just a smidgeon). MSNBC is running "War Stories" with Ollie North, who, being himself a former White House criminal, would be GREAT to ask about this whole thing. Of course, nary a peep is uttered about it.
And Fox is probably running a special on how Democrats eat babies or something. I didn't bother to check.
So that's our cable news networks, the guys who have 24 hours to cover these stories, as opposed to the network news who have an hour a day or so. I'd estimate maybe 20 million (that may be a bit high) Americans get their news almost exclusively from the easy to digest cable news networks.
So that's 20 million Americans or so that don't know ANYTHING about this story, and as such, don't feel the need to care.
So anyone else want to sit around waiting for the media to pull their heads out of their collective asses, or should we heed the words of Jello Biafra, when he said "Don't fear the media, be the media."
Every last one of us should be starting blogs, sending emails, and writing LTTE of their local newspaper about this.
Or we could just sit here and piss in the punch bowl to spite the supporters of candidates we don't like. It's up to you, DU. If you contribute nothing but internecine name-calling and infantile bashing to the process, you will be responsible for George Bush being reelected just as much as the assholes who vote for him. If you roll up your sleeves, stop wasting time, and channel your outrage and frustration at this administration to actually seeing these fuckers be held accountable for something, ANYTHING.