This case was in
1996, Clinton was president, and Roberts worked against a Colorado referendum that would have allowed discrimination against gays.
This case was in
1996, folks, not back in some political stone age, and it concerned a referendum that would revised the Colorado constitution to bar the enactment of any anti-discrimination protections for homosexuals. In other words, landlords would be able to evict people because they were gay, and employers would be able to fire people because they were gay, hospitals would be able to bar visits by gay partners, etc., etc., etc.
Implementation of this referendum would have exposed the
GOD DAMNED BIGOTED STUPIDITY OF THE RIGHT WING for all the world to see, but Roberts was right there to remove this festering tumor from his party with his usual, one might call it "surgical," legal precision. The patient lived and went on to vote for George W. Bush.
I haven't seen any evidence that Roberts has ever been anything but a knife for the GOP elite.
The abortion issue, the gay rights issue, these are simply smoke. Roberts is all about protecting the corrupt relationships large corporations have with the federal government.
Going all the way back to the invasion of Grenada, which was a political experiment by the Reagan administration to see how a President might invade another nation with little or no pretext, you'll see Roberts on the front lines: am so irritated with this "Roberts ain't so bad" crap. Brotherjohn, you are absolutely correct. It is, as you say, "such a transparent ploy."