While searching out video of the Novak meldown, Google spat out a hit from the intriguingly named "fuckfrance.com". Now that's a site I just have to visit.
Anyhoo, this great little gem: "I really hate Robert Novak. Its too bad all the non-lefty journalists are all frothing whackos." Nope, no cause and effect relationship at all: it just so happens that all the non-lefty journalists are frothing whackos. Complete coincidence.
These people should get themselves into the X Games to compete for medals in Exxxxxtreme Logical Discord. What a bunch of fucking batshit morons. I don't recommend visiting the site - you can feel your IQ melting with each insipid post.
PS This on a site where the "C" in any network name (i.e. MCNBC) is replaced by the Islamic crescent moon. No, the right isn't waging a war on Islam AT ALL and you'd be a fool and a (Muslim) terrorist to think so.