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Congress Considers Renaming 16th St. In Northwest DC 'Ronald Reagan Blvd'

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davidinalameda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 11:46 AM
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Congress Considers Renaming 16th St. In Northwest DC 'Ronald Reagan Blvd'

A bill introduced in Congress proposes renaming 16th Street, Northwest, "Ronald Reagan Boulevard."

U.S. Rep. Henry Bonilla brought forth the bill in the final hours before summer recess. It has been referred to the House Committee on Government Reform, chaired by U.S. Rep. Tom Davis.

"It's been a long time since I've heard of a plan that made so little sense," District Mayor Anthony Williams said. "Changing the unique and beautifully mapped street system in Washington would mean undoing the work of Pierre L'Enfant, who created a design that has inspired millions of people from around the world. Sixteenth Street is one of our city's most prominent thoroughfares. It represents all presidents -- not just one president."

There's also a poll that we need to DU
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jobycom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 11:50 AM
Response to Original message
1. Cool. They should name the adjoining streets for UBL and Saddam Hussein
And make sure there is a large graveyard somewhere along RR Avenue.

We honor traitors, murderers, and war criminals. What a country we have become.
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NewWaveChick1981 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 11:50 AM
Response to Original message
2. Dammit, they already renamed Washington National Airport
after Reagan (I refuse to call it anything other than Washington National Airport, btw)---now he needs a road too??? What a crock...
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LisaM Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 11:53 AM
Response to Reply #2
5. My boyfriend's uncle substitutes dictator's names for RR National
He calls it Idi Amin National Airport, Caligula National Airport, etc. Just adds a different one each time.
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NewWaveChick1981 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 11:55 AM
Response to Reply #5
7. LOL! That's a great idea!
Hmmm... Ghengis Khan International Airport... LOL
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LisaM Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 12:09 PM
Response to Reply #7
9. Exactly! It's fun
and instructive, too - you can learn all the names of history's dictators.
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Fovea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 11:50 AM
Response to Original message
3. How about naming it after
Kenny Lay, instead?

Or better still... doesn't

1600 Enron Ave.

Have a certain je ne sais quoi to it?
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classof56 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 11:52 AM
Response to Original message
4. Thanks for the post. No's seem to have it by a wide margin so far.

Tired Old Cynic
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NewWaveChick1981 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 11:54 AM
Response to Reply #4
6. Yeah, the NOs have 93% to 7%
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classof56 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 12:29 PM
Response to Reply #6
11. Good news, indeed. And welcome to DU! n/t
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NewWaveChick1981 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 12:33 PM
Response to Reply #11
12. Thanks!
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gratuitous Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 11:55 AM
Response to Original message
8. Why not rename K Street instead?
After all, it was St. Ronnie who opened the federal treasury to the unfettered looting by the monied and the overrich, and K Street is the address of choice for the biggest pigs at the trough.
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ibegurpard Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 12:11 PM
Response to Reply #8
10. There you go.
Very fitting.
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noonwitch Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 12:43 PM
Response to Original message
13. They should name prisons after Ronnie
The Ronald Reagan Center For The Ethically Challenged

We don't even have to call it a prison!
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CBHagman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 12:49 PM
Response to Original message
14. Only if Bonilla goes back to Texas and renames...
...about 50 things after people who weren't corrupt and actually did contribute something to American culture besides Bedtime for Bonzo.
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Parrothead Terp Donating Member (56 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 12:52 PM
Response to Reply #14
15. whats interesting
is that the federal governement actually does not control the naming of the streets. however, i am sure they will do what they did to the airport, threaten to pull money if they don't do it. after National Airport became Murderer's National Airport the Metro system did not print up new maps, as it was expensive and they were waiting for their new stations to open so they can do it all the same time.

a bunch of house members threaten to pull the federal funding from the metro system if the new new maps and signs were not changed immediatelly. I do understand the rush though, I mean once historians get a hold of Reagan, everyone will know what we already do.
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Laughing Mirror Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 01:07 PM
Response to Original message
16. There will be a mass exodus of residents from 16th Street if that happens
Edited on Fri Aug-05-05 01:08 PM by downstairsparts
What DC resident would live on a street named after Ronald Reagan? DC is Democrat territory, enemy territory to the likes of that batty old actor. This bill is just one more example of the great contempt the majority in Congress have for the people of the District of Columbia.

It would never occur to them to ask the people what they think about this. They know the answer already, that's why.

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