in his speedo at a body building contest. Important Editor's Note
We received the following email this week:
The picture of me on your hottest media types page as the "mystery" editor, taken at a bodybuilding contest, uses a photograph by J.M. Manion, a professional photographer, and one of the top bodybuilding photographers in the country. Below is a statement from his website:
Notice of Copyright
It is ILLEGAL to copy or reproduce these photographs elsewhere without the photographer's permission, and violators of this Federal Law will be subject to its criminal and civil penalties.
I am contacting Mr. Manion, and I also am considering action. Everyone else in your feature is dressed appropriately. While I am indeed proud of my physique, the use of this photo on your website is mean-spirited at best.
Take the photo off your site immediately.
Geoffrey Etnyre,
Assistant Managing Editor
The Washington Times
-snip- (contains further info on his upsetness.)
I thought body builders wanted people to look at their bodies?