Iraq had a military before we invaded, and although it couldn't stand up to us, it fought it's neighbor Iran to a draw in the 80s, and would therefore be at least adequate for self-defense now.
The equivalent is probably true of the police. They probably had some police force before, that whatever it's abuses, with the installation of a democratic government, could be reined in today.
Republicans and Democrats both point to Iraqis we have trained failing to fight the insurgency effectively, fleeing in battle, and deserting as evidence that they need more training.
This is bullshit.They are not fighting because they don't want to be seen as killing their own people on our behalf. At best, they are volunteering for the paycheck and the hope that if they go through the motions and cooperate, we will leave sooner.
This same "training" argument was used in Vietnam for over a decade, yet somehow, the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong managed to fight pretty well without the benefit of our training.
There is an assumption that other cultures are helpless without our guidance, and that only we know how to do things right. That may be true in some cases, but most individuals and societies prefer to figure things out for themselves and decide when to ask for help themselves (and they probably wouldn't ask an uninvited house guest they are trying to get rid of).
Even if they are relatively helpless, Iraq is bordered on two sides by our allies, on one side by their historic ally Syria, and on the other by Iran, who the new Shi'ia government seems to be dealing with through diplomacy and trade rather than military confrontation.
Let's face it, a large contingent in Congress will say anything to stay in Iraq, and this current talk of withdrawal from the GOP is mostly a strategy for their midterm elections that will end being precisely the same as Nixon's "secret plan" to get out of Vietnam when he was running for president in 1968, which turned out to be invading a couple of Vietnam's neighbors and fighting for five more years before taking the same deal LBJ had negotiated with the North.
Training is NOT an argument--it's PR bullshit. Any member of either party who uses that excuse should be called on it.
Hillbilly Hitler art: