but he isn't enlisting because he is "fighting another war." (Code talk for Democrats.) He is a chickenshit chickenhawk spinning like a whirling dervish. Mattera is the guy from Young America's Foundation spewing repug talking point. Against the war - but can't volunteer, against abortion rights, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Tweety is doing his usual ask question, yell over answer, smirky remark, give the repugs opportunity to answer while shutting down the Dem. Rinse, repeat.
Chris Galloway, Young Dems of America is trying to talk but Tweety and Mattera are doing a number on his. Mattera is now calling all Dems socialists.
Tweety is especially horrible. Tweety ends his interview with the obligatory pat on the back (how he keeps from breaking his arm is beyond me) about how HE has given the "young" guys the opportunity to formulate their positions. I swear Tweety is un-frigging-believable.
Will this BS ever end? Is there one honest reporter left in the MSM today? Nope, don't think so.
I have got to quit doing this to myself!