1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Except for mammon. Because, while the meek may inherit the earth, Poppy's defense contracts insure G.W. inherits the cash. When Prescott Bush was nabbed doing business with the Nazis in World War II, he was penalized under the Trading with the Enemy Act. When Dick Cheney did the same in Iraq, he became vice president. More proof that the GOP has a direct pipeline to GOD.
2. Thou shall not misuse the name of the Lord, your God. Unless, of course, you're justifying the horrors of perpetual war. In which case, assure that you're good and they're evil and invoke God's name regularly. Make references to "God and country" and infer that "GOP" stands for "God's Only Party." Instruct CNN to link Senate Democrats to Satan, Barbra Streisand and Larry Flynt.
3. Remember the Sabbath by keeping it holy. If you start a War on Terror on, oh, say Sunday, October 7, for example, fool people into believing you're on a crusade to capture Osama "dead or alive." At all times, restrain from giggling at their gullibility. Instead, focus on how controlling the gateway to Caspian Sea oil will be downright heavenly.
4. Honor thy father and mother -- especially when someone tries to kill your dad with some of the very same weapons your dad gave him to kill other people with.
5. Thou shalt not kill. Unless it involves profit, revenge and/or oil. Who, besides Jimmy Carter, believes that whole "blessed be the peacemakers" thing anyway?
6. Thou shall not commit adultery. Although Newt Gingrich or Tim Hutchinson have received special finger-pointing dispensation, this one sticks. Adultery reminds folks of budget surpluses and millions upon millions of wasted tax dollars.
7. Thou shalt not steal. Unless you're pilfering land for the Texas Rangers or dabbling in insider trading or are a righteous Captain of Industry and need the oil.
8. Thou shalt not give false testimony against they neighbor. Except in cases where you're waging war for profit. In which case, make up stories about babies in incubators and nuclear capabilities and magical drones and mystical aircraft carriers.
9. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife. Which isn't a problem, because who cares about sex when you've got your war on?
10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods. Unless they have oil. Or unless Dick Cheney's underground bunker is better than yours, in which case, you should start wondering why Dick always gets to preside over the shadow government and hang out in that cool, undisclosed location and all you get is this lousy tee-shirt.