Just passing this on for those that are following everything related to the Ohio voting irregularities. I found it interesting.
Matt Taibbi has gotten a lot of attention in the left blogosphere for writing that after starting out as a skeptic, he's suddenly become a believer that there was funny business in Ohio that cost John Kerry the presidency last year. His Road to Damascus moment came after he was invited to a panel discussion and then learned that the topic was "What went wrong in Ohio? A Harper's Magazine Forum on Voting Irregularities in the 2004 Election"
For what it's worth, though, I thought I'd take the chance to mention that the best case I've seen so far in favor of foul play in Ohio came from Christopher Hitchens. Writing in Vanity Fair, he suggested that it wasn't the sheer number of irregularities that mattered so much as the fact that they all pointed in the same direction