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The Iraq war has brought a curious reversal of roles.

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Imagevision Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-06-05 03:53 PM
Original message
The Iraq war has brought a curious reversal of roles.
The insurgents have adopted advanced American warfare concepts of attacking from beyond visual range and using remote control to keep fighters out of harm's way, RAND Corp.'s Hoffman said.

At the same time, the insurgents blend so well into the population that American technology is ineffective, leaving U.S. troops to fight the old way, with boots on the ground.

``We're seeing the automated battlefield, but we're not the ones who are in technological control. The enemy is. They're killing us with remote-detonated IEDs,'' Hoffman said. ``It's like they're fighting a war by technological proxy. But that's what we're supposed to be doing.''

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tocqueville Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-06-05 03:56 PM
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1. amazing
a lesson for the future
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wurzel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-06-05 04:04 PM
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2. "Globalization"?
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pretzel4gore Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-06-05 04:21 PM
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3. the iraqi insurgents haven't got fox'news' or cnn
or reuters or AP or nbc or cbs or bbc or abc or nytimes or washpost etc...they're the pigs who the iraqis are really fighting, and the pigmedia are safe in their pigsties, every innocent child buried alive a notch in their belts...
btw the pigmedia is our enemy number 1 too, even more then bush and the gopig
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Imagevision Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-06-05 04:43 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. pretzel> over 100,000 iraqi civilian were killed in Bush "Shock n awe"
many of the pigs you mention work out of Washington.
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Deja Q Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-06-05 04:48 PM
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5. Another reason why relying on technology is the resort of the foolish.
Technology is predictable (unless it's made by Microsoft...)
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Karmakaze Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-06-05 05:09 PM
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6. Holy cow - this so-called "think tank" took this long to figure it out?
Many people were saying this BEFORE the war. Now these geniuses think they are on to something new?
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