It is usually a pretty easy and safe statement to make, telling people not to blame the younger generation--applause, applause. Now show a little guts, and tell them, equally, not to blame earlier generations for doing what they believed was right, too, even when you don't agree. About bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki, for example: the Japanese army was the most mercilessly cruel of modern times, they tortured and then displayed the corpses of their victims, they kidnapped thousands of women and abused them as "sex slaves," (slaves), they actually obliterated the entire country of Manchuria, they like the Germans had concentration camps and death camps--never referred to--and no, they were not going to surrender; signing declarations had happened before, as a stall tactic. For all this and more, they never paid reparations to anybody, unlike the U.S. for Internment camps.
Whatever you think of the bombings--whether necessary or unspeakable horror, or both--it is a real test, to refuse to attack earlier generations when they thought they had no alternative, and can't know what you would only know years later. No generation is categorically "better" than another; that would be impossible.