I sent her this link from an article I wrote yesterday:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=109&topic_id=22145&mesg_id=22145She responded below.
My dear Mom is a diehard Repub but she does have a bit of an open mind and I know her heart is in the right place. I hope my response helps her "see" a bit more.
Mom: Very literate and well thought out. Can't be sure I would agree with the conclusion that we need "more government" but do agree with you re: the media being controlled. I'm just not ready to let government run anymore of my life than is already done.
MeI don't recall suggesting "more" government. In fact the only President to "shrink" government, in recent history, was Clinton.
The point of my article was to first point out the unfounded "liberal medial" label and secondly to suggest that we need a shift of our Government and media away from "Corporate control" to "Citizen control", hence the call for more involvement by the populace, young and old.
A common argument is that journalists are liberal. Well research polls do not make or break a journalist's career and they can answer anonymously without fear of retribution. And furthermore the journalists do not decide on editorial content. That is done by editors who are directed by publishers/program directors/owners etc. That group is far to the right. Remember when Reagan trashed the "Fairness Doctrine" in the '80's? That was the beginning of the end of objective, fair journalism in this country. In all fairness, Clinton signed the "Telecom Act" which allowed for corporate monopolies to further take place, in the media market, killing competition. We now have about 6 mega-corporations owning all of our print, TV, and radio.
Big money controls Washington and also the message, being "the media".
Big oil and defense contractors control them all. Big oil and defense contractor interests are what the current administration's cabinet is made up of. And as far as "more power" is concerned, the "Patriot Act" gives the government more power than any other piece of legislation in our history. As it stands now, government officials can enter your home without your knowledge, no search warrant, when you are gone, and leave without ever notifying you. Some say, "that's fine, I have nothing to hide". One big problem with that is our government should be of the people, by the people, and for the people. If say someone disagreed with the direction of the government they would have no ability to be secure in their quest to peacefully change the government. Computers, papers, anything could be taken at anytime without a warrant. That is how the law is set up today.
I want a government that:
Protects, instead of weakens, environmental oversight.
Protects us from Insurance corporations running roughshod over our health care.
Looks as health care as a duty to all it's citizens rather that a privilege for those that can afford it.
Protects our ports, railways, and homeland instead of overseas follies.
Does not invade other countries but instead takes care of it's own citizens.
Does not give tax rewards for stationing businesses overseas.
Does not pass Energy Bills written by oil companies making obscene profits and at the same time receiving $12,000,000,000 in tax breaks.
Understands the importance of an independent media and not the paid off type as in cases like Armstrong Williams.
Does not exclude it's citizens, based on bumper stickers, from Presidential gatherings as happened during the SS tou, in Colorado.
Stops the obscene trade deficit with China instead of rewarding it.
Instead of gutting the Farm Bill and passing CAFTA, actually looks out for our farmers instead of the big agri-business interests.
and on and on...
The mainstream news is far more interested in bringing us stories on runaway blondes, god, guns, and gays when the real stories are:
The theft of democracy via the privatized, corporate controlled, electronic vote counting system.