My first response it to say "No, let's dump this two thousand year old desert death cult and all become Buddhists."
But then I remember that because of Alexander's forays into the East, Buddhism and other eastern religions played a large role in the formation of Christianity. In its purest form, Christianity is pretty cool religion. Indeed, it can be VERY COOL. Take Liberation Theology.
"It is not fate: it is not a demand of nature: it is not the will of God that there be rich and poor...Poverty dehumanizes the rich and poor alike...It dehumazies the rich because it leads them to consider the poor as inferior, outcasts of society, the dead weight of history."
This is Leonardo Boff from his book "St. Francis, A Model for Human Liberation". St. Francis, he tells the reader, taught his followers that "to live humanly means to feel the warmth of someone who says to us, in spite of our physical and moral misery: 'It is good that your exist, Brother. You are welcome. The sun is also yours. The air is everybody's, and love can unite our hearts.'"
The Christianity of Liberation Theology does not divide and hate, like that of the Far Right. It accepts and loves all of creation. At the moment of his dying, St. Francis expressed this with his words "Welcome, Sister Death."
This is the valuable side of Christianity for me, a non-Christian. Doe anyone else see something worth saving in this tired old, religion?