I'm writing a LTTE in response to this article, which pissed me off, and would like your thoughts:
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/08/05/AR2005080501387.htmlThe author (who by no coincidence is part of Governor Ehrlich's Commission on Quality Education and is a founding board member of a charter school) contends that Baltimore City and Prince George's County schools are miserable failures, because their test scores haven't achieved parity with the more white & affluent areas of the state.
First, he ignores continuing improvements in those test scores in both math and reading. But more important, his solution is to divert taxpayer money into charter schools. If there's something they can do better, why not do that something in the public schools so it's accessible to all students?
What irks me is the Republican tendency to view schools and children as if they were factories turning out widgets, and as if they existed in a vacuum, rather than in communities that are affected by local economic and social conditions. I say we need to invest in urban communities themselves – employment, crime, housing, healthcare, daycare, etc. – rather than expecting schools alone to meet underprivileged students’ varied psycho-social needs, and blaming them if they can’t.
And meanwhile, FUND the PUBLIC SCHOOLS!!
What do you think? I'd especially like to hear from teachers.