Shades of Y2K???
NEW YORK - When daylight-saving time starts earlier than usual in the United States come 2007, your VCR or DVD recorder could start recording shows an hour late.
Cell phone companies could give you an extra hour of free weekend calls, and people who depend on online calendars may find themselves late for appointments.
An energy bill President Bush is to sign Monday would start daylight time three weeks earlier and end it a week later as an energy-saving measure.
And that has technologists worried about software and gadgets that now compensate for daylight time based on a schedule unchanged since 1987.;_ylt=AiWRaLlh4p_nTzi9Cs_SBjqs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3ODdxdHBhBHNlYwM5NjQ-Like everything else Smirky does, there is no "exit" strategy. :shrug: