Edited on Sun Aug-07-05 08:40 PM by iconoclastic cat
a book on U.S. history. I can't for the life of me remember the titles of these two books! Help me out if you can; kick this thread if you can't.
Okay, the how-to book featured a blurb on its advertising literature about some young woman who ran for local office and won; it also talked about winning seats on school boards/local school councils, among many other things.
The history book was suggested by someone on DU, and can't track down the thread. It was either world history or U.S. history told without the usual white-man's-burden, ignore-genocide crap.
If you have any bloody idea which books I'm talking about, let me know!
Basically, I'm going to reeducate myself. I'm also buying Understanding Sun Tzu on the Art of War by Robert Cantrell.
In case you are wonder why I am doing this, I have decided that going to protest Bush is useless; he doesn't care. He's not going to be in office too much longer anyway (unless he pulls a Bananas and declares himself dictator). I want to start acting on a much more local level. If 70 people can gang up on Bush at his ranch, why couldn't we get 100 people to camp outside of the Illinois Family Institutes's offices or hound a few of our local "journalists" (read: concubines to Moloch) into having some, hell, I don't know, STANDARDS?
How about we get each and every local Republican on tape telling us whether or not they support the outlawing of abortion, birth control, etc.?
BTW: demgurl, if you read this, please comment.
Edit: Wow, that had a lot of typos. Sorry.