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It's just a movie (or tv show) right? Or is it and why care?

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The Straight Story Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-07-05 10:44 PM
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It's just a movie (or tv show) right? Or is it and why care?
Saw a thread tonight on the Dukes of Hazard and how it portrayed people of color. It made me think of some films where whites were portrayed poorly (Livin' Large and others).

Then I was thinking about films the right bitches about showing gays, sex, et al in a light they see as 'bad' and worry about such influeneces on kids and others. Then I see on the left people upset when movies and tv shows do the opposite.

The advice I often hear from both sides is - if you don't like it don't see it. But then I also hear that such films can influence or desensitize people as if they cannot think outside a theatre.

Now I can see personally objecting to a movie based on such content. But the question to me becomes:

Do such movies/shows really influence anyone to treat others differently? Are people so shallow that they can be manipulated in under 2 hours to become something totally different then who they already are?

And yet in all this we often hang hope of educating others with a 2 hour blurb. Show em Farenheit 9/11 and we hope they will totally change their views on things. Not saying such is bad of course, just interested in how we see the medium and it's ability to change people.

So what are your thoughts on movies, tv, documentaries, and the short time it seems to take to change someone from one thing to another (or more to the point their views)?
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applegrove Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-07-05 10:49 PM
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1. Now that we so kindly ask Muslim people to rethink their ways..and
start a renaissance of Koranic teaching...don't you think those people in the south who use the Confederate flag should be doing soul-searching?

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Son of California Donating Member (467 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-07-05 10:49 PM
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2. Movies are supposed to make money
like everything else made in a captalist society.
That means there has to be an audience.

movies don't influence people.
people influence movies.

just like the news media and everyone else, the studios are making movies they think we want to see.

If our movies are obsessed with sex, it's because we are.
If there are gays in movies, its because gays spend money on movies too.

that simple.

It's been a long time since I've seen a film that even remotely offended me -rather they mostly have insulted my intelligence,
I think most of the time you can tell if you're not going to like a movie just by the previews, and I think all these asshole radical christians should just stay home and read books and stop trying to dictate to everyone else what they think should be considered entertaining.

PS. I absolutely loved Batman, and the really clear overtone of activism.
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MetaTrope Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-07-05 10:52 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Thumbing my nose at Hollywood
I've spent the last 15 years watching films from Hong Kong, India, Korea, Japan and Iran. Hollywood gets maybe one ticket sale out of me every year...two if they're lucky (because they're never smart).
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femrap Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-07-05 10:54 PM
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4. you mention people of color...what about how
women are portrayed? Girls and young women today are being told that dumb and blonde is how to become rich and famous. Of course if you are one of those insecure, patriarchal-loving dudes, then you're as happy as a small clam.

When is the consciousness of the Left-leaning Democrat Party going to realize that WOMEN ARE THE BACKBONE OF THIS PARTY? What's wrong with sharing the power? You share power with gay men....why not women?

I saw clips of the movie on Jon Stewart and then the reactions from the dumb southern boys....WTF? Are you really that into turning women into objects?

And all you see is how the movie treats people of color....? Would you have felt OK if Beyonce had Jessica Simpson's role? WAKE UP. Stop dragging your knuckles, OK?
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The Straight Story Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-07-05 11:05 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. I mentioned that
Because it was relevant to the thread that kicked in the idea. It was not exclusive to color, it was general.

I could have spent all night here typing about all the groups that could be so affected. Muslims, jews, women, kids, rottweilers, southerners, northerners, canadians, mexican's, italians, and so on.

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linazelle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-07-05 11:11 PM
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6. The prevalence of such images is the issue as well as the context
Edited on Sun Aug-07-05 11:15 PM by linazelle
in which they are shown.

Sure, it's 2005 and everybody knows that people of color aren't treated like they are depicted in the Dukes of Hazard for the most part. But they were once, and media images echoed those stereotypes for decades.

There have been a few movies and there are some comedy shows now where whites are singled out but there is no negative stereotyping as is the case with people of color. In context and historically, people know the truth of whites in America for the most part. Whites are likely to be given the benefit of the doubt. For people of color that is more than often not the case--they don't have a noble history to fall back on, so many believe that people of color are more like the stereotypes than otherwise. That can be disturbing.

So what do people learn from these movies? I think the ones who don't find the negative stereotypes objectionable accept pretty much end up reinforcing their bigotry.

...Personally, I know the difference. I might laugh if I went to see the movie. It all depends on each person's paradigms.

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The Straight Story Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-07-05 11:23 PM
Response to Reply #6
8. I laughed
Watching Livin Large. To me it showed some legimate issues people of color may well have, and I did not mind that it stereotyped whites. It was funny and I took it in stride myself.

Do I think some young folks may see it as realistic portrayal of whites and such? Maybe, but to think they are less able to see it as parody then me is a bit egotistical. So screw it, I watched it and had fun and thought who cares :)
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oldlady Donating Member (513 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-07-05 11:22 PM
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7. it's not instant, but over time...
I showed the documentary "Super Size Me" to a group of teens. They watched intently, responded with horror and disgust in the appropriate places & then left the building to eat at McDonald's.

Still...some came back later & borrowed it; watched it at home alone or with just a couple of others and are more informed if not reformed.

The documentary "In Plane Site" however, was a runaway hit with this crowd and they took it to show EVERYONE, at school and even at church groups.

I think that movies are the same... they may serve as a launch pad for behavior, but most people (not just teens), are still looking around after the show to see how others react and then going with the lemming flow. The way we all look around to see if others started crying at the end, or are embarassed to be seen leaving such a stinker of a show. So, yes, I do think movies have a great power, but the power is dependent upon whom one views the movie with and whether or not it is privately accessible.

just my 2 cents
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