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Dobson compares stem cell research to Nazi torture

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DanCa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-05 01:19 AM
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Dobson compares stem cell research to Nazi torture
Edited on Mon Aug-08-05 01:21 AM by DanCa
Article Launched: 08/06/2005 05:11:00 AM

Dobson affirms remarks on stem cells
By Abbe Smith
Denver Post Staff Writer

James Dobson made the comparison Wednesday on a Focus on the
Family radio show. (Post file)James Dobson on Friday staunchly defended his comparison of Nazi torture experiments on humans to stem-cell research. His comments on a Focus on the Family radio broadcast Thursday sparked an uproar among research advocates across the country.

"I made a statement that is being spun like a top by the ultra
liberals who don't care about unborn life," Dobson said on the
air. "Life is not high on their agenda. So why should it surprise us
that they're mad at me for supporting life?" Several local and national organizations demanded Dobson apologize for the remarks, which they labeled "offensive" and "inflammatory." John Hlinko, founder of Washington D.C.-based research advocacy group StemPAC, said at least 1,000 people sent e-mails seeking an apology from Dobson.

"It really did seem to create a firestorm," he said.
"What really ticked us off is the Nazis killed millions of people
and stem-cell researchers are trying to save millions of lives,"
Hlinko said. In his broadcast, Dobson called experimentation with human embryos "Nazi-esque."

"It will lead inevitably later to cloning and ultimately to the
harvesting of body parts," he added.Michael Huttner, executive director of Denver-based, said he was disappointed by Dobson's refusal to apologize. Huttner said almost 300 people joined a petition seeking an apology on the website and that at least 40 newspapers across the country have covered the story.

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ugarte Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-05 01:34 AM
Response to Original message
1. Think of a Petri dish as a little concentration camp
Edited on Mon Aug-08-05 01:35 AM by ugarte
Just as mind-boggling: think of the millions of hard-working Americans who support this fascist wacko by sending him their hard-earned money.
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punpirate Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-05 01:50 AM
Response to Reply #1
3. I'm beginning to think...
... Colorado Springs is one big re-education camp.... :crazy:
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NAO Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-05 01:44 AM
Response to Original message
2. NAO Compares Dobson's Drivel to Nazi Torture
James Dobson is the most detestable of the Radical Clerics of the Religious Reich From his early days as an advocate of child beating to his recent Fatwa on SpongeBob, this guy is a despicable sadistic nut-case through and through.


Religious Superstition Threatens to Destroy Civilization (Again)

The Religious Right is really OUT OF CONTROL and is exerting a greater and greater influence on our society. They are flexing their muscles in the political process, the economy and our entire culture.

Let us remember that the first time Christianity spread rapidly and gained control of the government (from 200 - 500 AD) it resulted in the utter collapse of Western Civilization and ushered in 1,000 years of darkness, superstition, ignorance and suffering.

Finally, after a millennium of Darkness, mankind began to see the Dawn of The Age of Reason and The Enlightenment. Humanity recovered some dignity, science was freed from the chains of religious superstition and real progress began.

The Constitution of the United States of America was one of the crowning achievements of The Enlightenment, being a document for the Establishment of a government that did NOT MAKE ONE SINGLE REFERENCE TO "GOD". With the establishment of the United States, government as well as science was freed from the domination of religious superstition.

Now, every day in the news there is some story about how the religionists are exerting their influence. Radical Clerics like James Dobson and Jerry Falwell get air time on network news. Religionists are organizing and boycotting businesses that do not adhere to their version of personal morality.

The specter of religious superstition is once again casting a frightening shadow over our world. The ghosts and demons of the Dark Ages, once believed to be banished forever by Reason, are again haunting our culture. Christianity destroyed civilization once before - it could happen again.

Antidote to Fundamentalist Nut-Cases is a Revival of the Freethought Movement

I think what we need is a Freethought movement similar to what the US had around the turn of the 20th century. Robert Ingersoll was touring the country, lecturing on secularism and exposing the claims of revealed religion to be false. Unless something breaks the stranglehold of religious fundamentalism in the US - and in the world - I think we are going to continue the slide into Theocracy and destruction.

Robert Ingersoll's "Why I Am Agnostic"

Thomas Paine's "The Age of Reason"

The Freethought Zone
Science and Reason Over Religion and Superstition /

Freedom from Religion Foundation /

Secular Humanism /

Secular Web

Thomas Paine's The Age of Reason - Online

Complete Works of Robert Ingersoll - Online

Dominionism's Theocratic Designs and Radical Clerics

Fundamentalist Radical Clerics such as Falwell, Dobson, and Robertson are not merely medieval throwbacks or misguided religious hacks. They are part of a well organized subversionary movement known as "Dominionism". Dominionism constitutes a serious threat to American Democracy. These Radical Clerics have developed and are executing a detailed plan to gradually replace the free, secular democratic society of the United States with a Theocracy.

It is critical that people become aware of the extreme agenda these people have for the United States and ultimately for the world. The results of the 2004 Presidential Election were not a fluke or something that was drummed up over a period of months. It has been in planning for over 20 years, and what we are seeing take place now is, in the words of Katherine Yurica, "the swift advance of a planned coup".

The Swift Advance of a Planned Coup: Conquering by Stealth and Deception - How the Dominionists Are Succeeding in Their Quest for National Control and World Power

The Despoiling of America: How George W. Bush became the head of the new American Dominionist Church/State

Video on the Christian Reconstructionist Dominionist Theocratic Agenda

The Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party
a public information project from

The Religious Right - An Anti-American Terrorist Movement
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DanCa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-05 01:52 AM
Response to Original message
4. I just wanted to know where was Dobson this after noon
Edited on Mon Aug-08-05 01:53 AM by DanCa
when i couldn't rais my arms to get a drink of water. Or when i couldn't make it to the bathroom this morning. Dobson just a pathetic weasel who parrots everything he hears from fawell, robertson and phelps.
Lol you know what they should do is just line up. And start baying together like sheep.
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DanCa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-05 03:46 PM
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5. mid day bump (i posted this at one am.)
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BrotherBuzz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-05 04:04 PM
Response to Original message
6. My dog says Dobson is a Nazi torturer!
She read the asshole's book "The Strong-Willed Child" and was totally disgusted.

"When I told Sigmund to leave his warm seat and go to bed, he flattened his ears and slowly turned his head toward me. He deliberately braced himself by placing one paw on the edge of the furry lid, then hunched his shoulders, raised his lips to reveal the molars on both sides, and uttered his most threatening growl. That was Siggie's way of saying. "Get lost!"

"I had seen this defiant mood before, and knew there was only one way to deal with it. The ONLY way to make Siggie obey is to threaten him with destruction. Nothing else works. I turned and went to my closet and got a small belt to help me "reason" with Mr. Freud."

"What developed next is impossible to describe. That tiny dog and I had the most vicious fight ever staged between man and beast. I fought him up one wall and down the other, with both of us scratching and clawing and growling and swinging the belt. I am embarrassed by the memory of the entire scene. Inch by inch I moved him toward the family room and his bed. As a final desperate maneuver, Siggie backed into the corner for one last snarling stand. I eventually got him to bed, only because I outweighed him 200 to 12!"
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