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The 'christian' Right and Dictators

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ck4829 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-05 07:27 AM
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The 'christian' Right and Dictators
Here's one of my Works that I want to bring out of my Briefcase.


The Complete Compendium of Deadly Dictators, Lethal Leaders, and their allies in the Christian Right.

Why did the Christian Right help these people? That I think is a good question. I also believe that if you ever need to compare these Intolerant Christians to the Intolerant Muslims in Al Qaeda and the other groups, this would be one of those documents.

1. Mangosuthu Buthelezi
2. Frederick Chiluba
3. Roberto D'Aubuisson
4. Efrain Rios Montt
5. Augusto Pinochet
6. Jorge Serrano
7. Mobutu Sese Seko
8. Charles Taylor

Mangosuthu Buthelezi

Morton Blackwell trained rightist political forces and supporters for Inkatha chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi. (1)

The truth about Mangosuthu Buthelezi and Inkatha:
It was Buthelezi's group that later attempted to create civil war in South Africa to keep apartheid policies in place. Inkatha worked with pro-apartheid and neo-nazi groups to stop the elections eventually won by Nelson Mandela. (1) The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission report (2003) charged Inkatha with collaborating with white supremacists to massacre hundreds during this period. Inkatha boycotted (1993) the multiparty talks that wrote a new South African constitution but participated in the 1994 multiracial elections. (2)

Frederick Chiluba

Pat Robertson did an interview with Chiluba on the 700 Club in 1995, telling him "Your country is not only the standard for Africa but for the rest of the world." Afterward, he asked his audience "Wouldn't you love to have someone like that as President of the United States of America?" (3)

The truth about Frederick Chiluba:
The President of Zambia since 1991, he declared that Zambia would henceforth be a Christian nation. The public school system became Christian-only, despite the existence of a sizable minority of Muslims and Hindus in the country. In response to their need for education, Chiluba simply suggested that they open up their own schools. The national TV and radio stations also turned to all Christian programming. (3) Chiluba has also been accused of murdering his political opponents. (4)

Roberto D'Aubuisson

Pat Robertson has praised Roberto D'Aubuisson as a “very nice fellow”. (5)

The truth about Roberto D'Aubuisson:
D’Aubuisson was a Death Squad leader, the group was known as the ARENA party (5). D'Aubuisson was considered to be the most notorious torture and Death Squad leader in El Salvador; he was described by Robert White, former U.S. Ambassador to El Salvador, as a "pathological killer," and was widely known as "Major Soplete" (i.e., "Major Blowtorch"). (6) And According to the Truth Commission, D'Aubuisson was responsible for the killing of Archbishop Oscar Romero. D'Aubuisson "gave the order to assassinate the Archbishop and gave precise instructions to members of his security service, acting as a "death squad", to organize and supervise the assassination". (7)

Efrain Rios Montt

Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson are friends with Efrain Rios Montt. (8)

The truth about Efrain Rios Montt:
It is estimated that during the period of Ríos Montt's rule about 70,000 civilians have been killed or "disappeared". (9)

Augusto Pinochet

Paul Weyrich and the Free Congress Foundation had very positive things to say about Pinochet. The FCF said that they had 'contributed a balanced perspective and essential new information much needed in volatile public discussions over Chile's efforts--in the face of Marxist terrorism and violence to reestablish democratic government'. The FCF also says that in 1986, Weyrich, William Kling and other conservatives conducted a seminar on 'political technology' in Santiago for nearly one hundred activists. (10) Morton Blackwell also trained pro-Pinochet forces. (1)

The truth about Augusto Pinochet:
Pinochet is responsible for the deaths of at least 3,197 people. (11)

Jorge Serrano

In The New World Order, Pat Robertson had this to say about Serrano: "Serrano continues the enlightened leadership of his patron, former President ---------- (I’ll tell you later), who insisted on honesty in government and then had every key official sign a pledge that read, "I will not steal; I will not lie; I will not abuse." (3)

The truth about Jorge Serrano:
Do you know who Serrano’s patron was? It was Efrain Rios Montt. And if there is one thing Serrano continues, it’s murder. During his reign at least 1450 people were killed (12)

Mobutu Sese Seko

Pat Robertson and Mobutu were pretty good friends. Pat Robertson flew to Zaire on Mobutu's jet, took in a cruise on his yacht, and dined at the presidential mansion. (3)

The truth about Mobutu Sese Seko and his relationship with Robertson:
Mobutu was a sadistic, murderous, dictator who kept his country's people in poverty while he became one the richest men in the world. He could have cured all of his nation's ills with a personal check. Under his rule, Zaire was a country with very little personal freedom; public demonstrations were illegal, journalists were murdered by the state, and most religious groups were banned. The US State Department banned Mobutu from the country after he applied for a visa to come to Washington and improve his image. Zaire is a resource-rich country, and Pat saw an opportunity to partner with Mobutu to start a diamond mining operation. Pat started a company called the African Development Company, and began shipping diamond-mining equipment to Zaire using the non-profit CBN's Operation Blessing aircraft. (3)

Charles Taylor

Pat Robertson said big bad America was trying to destroy Charles Taylor and his Administration just to let big bad Muslims take over Liberia. Pat Robertson has said “So we're undermining a Christian, Baptist president to bring in Muslim rebels to take over the country,” (13)

The truth about Charles Taylor:
In one instance, he dismissed his entire cabinet for missing a national prayer service. Such piety apparently justifies a man who ordered a hit on his own vice president. His henchmen also hacked the guy’s wife to pieces, for good measure. (14) He also was responsible for the death of over 25,000 Nigerian civilians and over 5,000 Nigerian military men and two Nigerian journalists.
He also same man killed over 80,000 nationals from other Western African countries. (15) Charles Taylor has also been accused of harboring Al Qaeda terrorists. (16)

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Bonhomme Richard Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-05 07:34 AM
Response to Original message
1. You left out Adolph Hitler..
Unless you were just discussing the American christian right.
Hitler would never had gotten anywhere if he had not gone after the protestant (anti-gay, anti loose morals) vote in Germany.
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laststeamtrain Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-05 07:40 AM
Response to Original message
2. Bravo! Nice work. PR and his diamond mine connections make me sick.
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