Tuesday, seven Marines, six of them members of a sniper team, and all from Ohio, died in Iraq. The six snipers were ambushed outside a town called Haditha. The next day, 14 more Marines, also Ohio-based, died when the amphibious vehicle in which they were riding was destroyed by an improvised explosive device, not far from where the snipers died the day before. All were members of the Ohio-based 3d battalion, 25th Marines.
Also on Tuesday, another Ohio Marine became a casualty, but this Marine's story may come to have a happy ending. Paul Hackett, a Marine reserve major recently returned from service in Iraq, lost his bid to fill the unexpired term of Republican Rep. Rob Portman who resigned to become U.S. trade representative. Hackett, a Democrat, lost to Jean Schmidt, a former member of the Ohio House of Representatives.
At the same time,
spoke of Marines and soldiers still in Iraq as "young Democrats in the making." If he's right about that, then Bush and Cheney and the rest of those neocon liars who raved about weapons of mass destruction and a "cakewalk" invasion are going to find themselves in trouble if and when those young fighters come home.
But how many more of those brave men and women need to die before an indifferent public wakes up and demands a workable end to what's happening there, and not just empty slogans coming from an empty head.