Edited on Mon Aug-08-05 09:27 AM by Zenlitened
Actual quote from a republi-bot I encountered this weekend.
It was an amazing experience, watching this person tap-dance madly to make excuses for Bush's obvious failure in Iraq. Watching his anger increase as it became clear I had facts to counter each and every one of his preposterous rants in support of Bush. Watching him just make shit up, hoping that if he said it loudly and angrily enough, no one would contradict him.
I actually felt a brief twinge of compassion for this guy, because it seemed to me that he has a ton of emotional problems, all wrapped up in his idiotic "politics." Admitting Bush is a loser would mean admitting that his own state of mind is a house of cards waiting to tumble. That all his bullying and blustering is just a sham -- just like Bush's.
But I couldn't help but laugh out loud when the talk came around to the toppling of Saddam statues. I had suggested these were photo opportunities, staged for the camera as US tanks pulled the statues down. His response: "Pearl Harbor wasn't a photo opportunity."
Jeebus. As if this folly in Iraq is in any way equivalent to WWII. As if invoking Pearl Harbor would have some magical, talismanic power to negate all discussion of Bush's incompetent blundering today.
These people have no facts, no ability to reason whatsoever. They will bob and weave like crazy just to avoid admitting the truth. They will insist they have the "real" story when in fact the best they can do is regurgitate the ravings of the right-wing echo chamber.
And when you point out that they'd be SHREDDING Bill Clinton if he had bungled the response to 9-11 so badly.. well, just watch their shit-filled heads explode.
Stupid, stupid, damaged broken people. Really disgusting, to think that our country is teeming with people like this. There are a million reasons why they're so fucked up, I'm sure. But I'm just about out of "understanding" for them. Compassion-fatigue, big time. We need to get in their faces and shut them the hell up so we can get on with the real work of winning elections. Whether they will -- or can -- reflect on their own shortcomings and learn to grow, to become healthy, functioning adults... I don't really even care any more. Just get them the fuck out of the way while there's still anything left of America to rescue and repair.
We don't need to win these voters over. We need to ignore them completely, and appeal to people who still have the ability to reason.