Edited on Mon Aug-08-05 11:54 AM by leveymg
Here are some scenarios. Mine goes like this:
If Bush fires Fitz, the President's approvals will fall twenty points, which will put Shrub below where Nixon was after the Saturday Night Massacre. If the Republican leadership doesn't ask for and get Bush and Cheney's resignations, they're going to lose fifty or sixty seats in 2006. Then they'll have an impeachment on their hands, too.
Then again, Ariel Sharon may just do an end run around the Arabian Penninsula and bomb the Iranian reactor at Busher, which will lead to the Big Bloody in the Middle East. There is a good chance that will have domestic fallout, and in the state of emergency that follows, Bush and Cheney may just keep their jobs. Of course, the new seat of the U.S. Government will be Site R. The Administration may not even need to talk to the surviving members of Congress over at the Greenbrier.
Golf, anyone? :nuke: :dunce: :nuke: :dunce: :nuke: :dunce: :nuke: :dunce: :nuke: :dunce: :nuke: :dunce: :nuke: :dunce: :nuke: :dunce: :nuke: :dunce: :nuke: