I saw this "book" in a bookstore. Off of their recent release of "The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History" (you can imagine what that was like,) they now have come out with
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades).
It's bad enough that the Conservatives are trying to re-write our country's history into their perverted image - now they want to shove their noses into historical arenas that can only help al-Qaida recruitment more members, especially with material like what I came across during a pervue of its pages: (which made me attempt to post my first review on Amazon.com)
What’s I found truly disturbing is Robert Spencer’s treatment of the attempted alliance between the remnants of the Crusader kingdoms and the Mongols during their invasion of the Middle East (pgs 149 - 150.) Either Mr. Spencer is ignorant of the fact that the Mongols policy towards the Islamic states during their assault of this part of the world was to EXTERMINATE all those that did not submit to their will (and likely would have done the same to the people of the Crusader States if their leaders had resisted,) or more troubling, he actually approves of this attempted “final solution” to the Crusades
What's next Regnery - a WW2 book telling of the "noble" invasion of the Soviet Union by Germany and its allies, and how they were met with open arms by its citizens (they were at first, until the Nazis revealed their TRUE side.)
P.S.: I saw that the company's next book of their " Politically Incorrect" series is going to be one on
Science. Gee, I wonder what that book is going to be like...