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Begala, Bay Buchanan agree! No more weapons in Bush's arsenal.

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DeepModem Mom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-05 03:39 PM
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Begala, Bay Buchanan agree! No more weapons in Bush's arsenal.
Edited on Mon Aug-08-05 03:48 PM by DeepModem Mom
Just now with Wolf Blitzer, Bush's falling poll numbers were discussed.

Poll: Bush's Iraq rating at low point

Begala said what we would expect our side's spokesperson to say, and then Bay Buchanan said that he was right. Speeches and demonizing insurgents will no longer work; they've been tried, they failed. In fact, said Bay, there are no more weapons in Bush's arsenal. People want troops home. Begala said Bush was in trouble particularly on the honesty question -- this has been one of Bush's strongest points (God knows why or how), and now people think he's lied to them.

THEN, Bay said that Americans had looked at Tony Blair's response to the attacks in London, and found him "stronger and tougher" than Carrier Boy!

ON EDIT: Adding Bluebear's post #1, a very strong statement I failed to include --

"Bay Buchanan: You can't fight a war overseas with these poll #'s...
commenting on latest numbers reveal majority of Americans now say it was a mistake to send troops to Iraq at all."
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Bluebear Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-05 03:41 PM
Response to Original message
1. Bay Buchanan: You can't fight a war overseas with these poll #'s...
commenting on latest numbers reveal majority of Americans now say it was a mistake to send troops to Iraq at all.
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DeepModem Mom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-05 03:45 PM
Response to Reply #1
4. Thanks, Bluebear -- I left that out, and will try to add.
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faithnotgreed Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-05 03:46 PM
Response to Reply #1
5. pleaseoplease let more people say this stuff PUBLICLY
because we know its being said in private
but with enablers on the air its just an endless cycle of nothing worth listening to

im not a big fan of begala but if he will say anything about ending this nightmare that bush created then i thank him for that
and i guess ms buchanan also
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rodeodance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-05 03:47 PM
Response to Reply #1
6. and now the Pent said we will send more (story on LBN).
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DanCa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-05 03:55 PM
Response to Reply #1
7. But if we really wanted to scare the insurgents
Edited on Mon Aug-08-05 03:56 PM by DanCa
we'd drop leaflets with Bay's picture on them. - Just Kidding. :D
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DeepModem Mom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-05 03:59 PM
Response to Reply #7
9. Oh, DanCa -- you're a little...

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DanCa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-05 04:13 PM
Response to Reply #9
10. Lol
Sorry I haven't had my meds today :D
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RobertSeattle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-05 03:44 PM
Response to Original message
2. Darn, Bay didn't walk out in a huffy!
The big lie has always been Bush's supposed "honesty". Everything about the man is a big fat fake.

Faux Texan (Born in Connecticut)
Faux "Regular Guy" (Multi Millionaire plutocrat)
Faux Texas Ranch (Specially bought and made for the build-up to 2000 election)
Faux "Career" that made him a “successful” businessman (Daddy's buddies made sure he'd be a "success")
Faux National Guard Service (What happened to all those missing records after all?)
Faux Christian (Based on deeds, not words)
Faux "Hero" of 911 (Looked like a deer in the headlights when told about the 911)
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Al-CIAda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-05 03:44 PM
Response to Original message
3. Tony Blair is a PNAC stooge. nt
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Eurobabe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-05 03:57 PM
Response to Original message
8. Bu$h has one last weapon in his arsenal, beg to differ
He'll get "Bin Laden" to sic a suitcase bomb on one of our major cities and then claim martial law.

I don't trust this nutbag as far as I could throw him!
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