I'm not sure when it happened (I first noticed it on Friday night), but it appears that CNN/Headline News has FINALLY dumped all those STUPID, screen hogging graphics, and dumped all or most of the empty-headed bimbos that they hired back in the summer of 2001 when they, "Changed Everything" to go after the 18-26 demographic.
Well, it looks like they've
"Changed everything back" to the way it was, including bringing back several of the over 40 male and over 30 female anchor people.
I say I don't know when it happened, because they are doing this very quietly with out any bold, flashy ads. I guess they finally figured out that "changing everything" to go after a demographic that, "...don't watch the News" was a kind of stupid.
I was going to post this, asking for all to DU the Poll below, to help me send the message that we want them to report REAL NEWS, with a few thousand vote for the Niger Famine, but it looks like they've already taken it down. If you go to the link below and do see it, all the better, but I think it's gone.
One thing you could do is, send them a short e-mail that you are glad they got rid of all the clutter and appear to be making some changes for the better.
This might also be a good time to encourage them to report REAL news, :think: at this time, they might be open for suggestions.
Choose the story you find most interesting:
Niger famine 35% 187 votes
Toronto plane crash 40% 216 votes
Rafael Palmeiro 9% 50 votes
First cloned dog 16% 84 votes
Total: 537 votes