"nuclear risk insurance" in the energy bill - WTF!!
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Mon Aug-08-05 05:17 PM
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"nuclear risk insurance" in the energy bill - WTF!! |
written into the energy bill just signed will pay a nuclear power company 1/2 or 1 billion dollars if their new plant is not given a license for any reason....what a load of shit....so where is the incentive for the company to build a plant that will go online in time if they know they're going to get a big payout for delaying it?
how much more of a corporate gift could there be???
note: i'm not a supporter of expanding the nuclear power industry, period, but this is just adding a fuck-you to a slap in the face....
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Mon Aug-08-05 05:19 PM
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1. more of Bushler's corporate welfare |
Talk about reverse Robin Hood.
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Mon Aug-08-05 05:20 PM
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2. one of the most egregious examples of corporate welfare.... |
since beginning the war in iraq, of course....
Ian David
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Mon Aug-08-05 09:35 PM
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3. I'm going to apply for a license for my old microwave |
If it gets rejected, I'll get a billion dollars.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:33 PM
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