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Cindy Sheehan is my kind of heroine...

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Democracy White Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-05 06:36 PM
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Cindy Sheehan is my kind of heroine...
I certainly wouldn't have the guts to do what she did.... She is a true American heroine, standing up for what we as Americans believe in: Truth, Honor, Dignity and Freedom. As a mother of a son who was killed in this obvious illegal reincarnation of Vietnam: The Iraq War, she is taking the pain that she is suffering and putting it to very useful energy and exercising a fundamental right as an American. The right to speak her mind and the right to demand answers from the person who is supposedly running her country, the person that we, as the people "voted" him in for. The right to demand answers as to what warrants the death of so many for what is obviously a petty vendetta and greedy takeover.

As she is out there at the Crawford Ranch, sweltering in the sulty Texas sun with hundreds of others. This buffoon that we call a President is sitting in his chamber room, smirking as he drinks his fine wine. He laughs at the what he would call the "feeble attempts at a 'democratic demonstration." He is sitting there in his repose and chuckles at the sound of angry calls and demands for him to show up.

He doesn't care about this mother or her son. He only cares about what he gets in Iraq. As long as the American public thinks that everything is going ok and that this war was justifiable then his plans will go forth. The scandals that are popping up will be taken care of and everything will go well.

But someday, this man will have to deal with the ghosts of many... the ghosts of Iraqi women, children and men that have died because of his avarice. The young soldiers who have died so early in their lives. The charred remains of so many innocents. These ghosts will eventually rise up and execert their anger on this man. They will claw at his soul and they will make him restless.. Justice will certainly be avenged. Bush will go down someday, if not here..then elsewhere.

As for Sheehan... The angels are watching over her and her group. The Divine smiles down on her as she is fighting for what is right for the whole of humanity. All she is asking for is answers...

I will pray for Cindy Sheehan and for the demonstrators with her. I hope that you will do the same... Light a candle in honor of her and keep her in your thoughts. We need more people like her in this country now more than ever...That is all.

Regards, Dee
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Just Me Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-05 06:42 PM
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1. I told her that, she is speaking on behalf of so many,...
,...who are afraid to speak on their own behalf for fear of retribution.

Amazing, a nation that is supposed to embrace "democracy",...there are so many who are AFRAID of retribution for taking a stand for the truth.

PROOF,...that "democracy" is a word without substance in this nation, sadly.

Meanwhile, Cindy serves as an inspiration to all those who feel so powerless that they must live their courage, vicariously, through her.
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