I will never forget that stat. Feb. '03. Across the board, in all polls. Before all the lies were exposed; before the true costs were known. 58%!
The American people were not fooled. We were DISENFRANCHISED! And it will only take a catalyst--a Cindy Sheehan--to spark a revolt against this horrendous regime.
And big disapproval of Bush holds true on every major issue, in every poll. The Iraq war. Torture policy (63% of Americans oppose torture UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES--May '04). Social Security. The deficit. Women's rights. You name it--the great majority of Americans oppose Bush policy on it, way up in the 60% to 70% range.
And that's not even to mention his 40% approval rating. (--a dismal 49% on the very day of his inauguration; miserable all last year--so much so that Zogby said he couldn't win.)
Bush has never represented the majority of Americans--ever--and even less so over the last year.
I won't get into how his "re-election" was manufactured (all you really need to know is that two Bushite electronic voting companies got control of 80% of the vote tabulation, using "trade secret," proprietary software. I mean, come on, kiddies...).
His support consists of hardcore of wingers and greedbags. That's all it amounts to. But that minority has been given a BIG TRUMPET to push their minority views and make them seem "mainstream." They are not.
Well, one other thing you need to know. The news monopolies, acting in concert, FALSIFIED the exit poll data on everybody's TV screens on election night; the exit polls had been showing a Kerry win all day; then they "adjusted" the exit poll data to fit the "official tally" coming mainly from two companies, Diebold and ES&S, both using secret, proprietary programming code to tabulate the votes; they hid the real exit poll numbers from the American people, thus depriving the public of major evidence of election fraud, and squelching protests and calls for investigation.
It's very strange how the news monopolies have the truth right under their own noses--their own exit polls showed a Kerry win; their own opinion polls show overwhelming disapproval of every major Bush policy--yet they can't (or, rather, they won't) put two and two together.
It's staring us all in the face. Bush DOES NOT REPRESENT THE MAJORITY--on this damnable war, or on anything else!
So, like I said--a catalyst, a spark. They're history. And they're all going to jail for treason anyway. A bad lot. And the main question will be how far back do we get to go, in rescinding every one of their unamerican policies (hopefully as far back as May 3, 2001--their first tax cut for the rich!)