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Paul Mitchell's response to citizenspook’s Blog "TREASONGATE" !!!??

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Klimmer Donating Member (426 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-05 10:52 PM
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Paul Mitchell's response to citizenspook’s Blog "TREASONGATE" !!!??
Paul Andrew Mitchell seems like a nutcase, but his post to citizenspook’s blog is very interesting. Any truth to what he is saying? I have my tin-foil hat tightly secured . . .

Response to citizenspook’s Blog article:

About Paul Andrew Mitchell (truth diamond):

truth diamond said...

"Most recently, we have assembled reports that
plutonium has been delivered to the Mossad
at the Port of Amsterdam that was stolen by the
Russian Mafia from former Soviet nuclear stockpiles
in the Ural Mountains. Along these lines, we also learned
of a detailed report, prepared at Maxwell AFB, which
completely supports Ambassador Wilson´s assessment
of the Niger documents: the uranium did NOT go to Iraq,
but to Israel´s nuclear reactor at Dimona, in the Negev desert:
(see also discussion of Amsterdam´s Schipol Airport)
(search for "yellow cake")

Therefore, the Weapons of Mass Destruction are in Israel,
not in Iraq. And, we suspect that low-yield micro nuclear
weapons are being smuggled from there into the USA,
for purposes of political blackmail.

If something falls directly under their jurisdiction,
I also inform the duty officer assigned to me at
the U.S. Marshals in downtown San Diego.

The U.S. Marshals recently intercepted an
attempt to detonate explosives in the Chicago
subway, and they killed 4 suspects in that shootout;
the others were arrested and are now in custody.

We believe those bombs were intended to
disrupt Fitzgerald´s grand jury investigation.

I do not communicate directly with Fitzgerald,
but I am on Sherman Skolnick´s email list,
and we have already received reports that
Skolnick confirms the INDICTMENT.

Skolnick knows a lot of people in Chicago,
so he would be your primary source for confirmation,
one way or the other.

The alleged INDICTMENT is certainly warranted, imho.

We have already notified Alberto Gonzales that he too is
under formal investigation -- on suspicion of child abuse
in connection with the torture at prison Abu Ghraib:
Seymour Hersh has seen photographic evidence of children
being tortured there. Congress has custody of the photos
at the present time.

As a matter of law, lying to Congress about the
Niger "yellow cake" is a felony violation of 18 U.S.C. 1001,
to say nothing of all the treason and racketeering felonies
that were committed during the preparation and execution of 9/11.

The motive for outing Plame appears to be complex, involving
also a desire to prevent any interruptions in the smuggling of
to the Mossad from the Russian Mafia. We think Plame´s assignment
was to track fissionable materials in the black market for same."

Sincerely yours,
/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Private Attorney General, Criminal Investigator and
Federal Witness: 18 U.S.C. 1510, 1512-13, 1964(a)

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wli Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-05 10:57 PM
Response to Original message
1. very interesting, but needs independent confirmation
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