Saw this on a news story about the price of the flu vaccine doubling to $20-30 a shot this season. Story also said the US had ordered flu vaccine from France.
My question: "Why does the (supposedly) most advance technical country in the world, buy flu vaccines from France, or any other country for that matter? Don't we make anything here anymore?"
I know this is just a small example that is probably easily explained. But if we continue to dumb down our science programs, teach that the world is really only 6000 years old, block funding for stem cell research, etc. How long will it be until we are one of those 3RD World Countries that need to have other countries help us out with technology and medical assistance?
Also, an interesting question to ask the Freepers. Will you skip the Flu vaccine this year to support O'Reily's boycott of France? If their wine is not good enough for you, why is their flu vaccine. Hopefully they will boycott the vaccine, and a huge epedemic will hit right around the first Tuesday (after the first Monday) in November.