I feel that I have to write this to let everyone out there know that I still beleive in Miracles!!!!First let me tell you that Cindy Sheehan is a very dear friend of mine and I consider her a hero,she has the strenght and determination to go where few people will follow. This country has indeed become a group of sheeple with a group mentality.Cindy is a born leader,she follows no one ,she is out in front.Even tho she has put her self in a dangerous situation she has no fear. If you knew her like I know her you would realize that it will take more then bush and his buddies to bring her down.She has truth,and goodness in her heart and she will fight to the end for what she believes in. We have laughed together and cried together and are always there for each other.When I am down she pulls me up. When Casey died a part of Cindy's heart was torn out.He was her oldest son and big brother to her 3 younger kids. I have read that Cindy has been against Bush since 2000 which is not true.Before 2003 she was a loving housewife and mother and part time teacher.She wasnt really interested in politics and when Casey said he was signing up to go to Iraq she begged him not to go as she does not believe in war.Casey was determined to go with his buddies to help keep them safe altho he did not support a war that was about oil and greed and power for the bush empire. Casey had a lot of values,he wanted to be a chaplain and had never been seriously involved with a girl as he was waiting for someone special.He had been to college and was very intelligent and also very sensitive to the needs of others. I dont see much hope for this earth if the elitests are allowed to destroy the people who have to work to survive.We finally have a chance to wake up and become humans again.I feel that Cindy is the light bearer for our times and if we dont support her 100 percent that we as a nation are pretty much down the tubes. Dont picture her as a meek little middle age lady as some have described her,she is 6 ft tall and 150 lbs of dynamite.When she beleives in something nothing will stop her from carrying out her mission.To me she is a modern day JOAN OF ARC.She cant be bought or threatened into giving up what she feels she has to fight for.She needs the support of everyone in this country that wants to take back their rights and regain their freedom. Thanks for taking the time to read this,It comes straight from my heart.Support Cindy in any way you can,from lighting a candle for peace, to donations to writing letters or going to Crawford. Thank you