This is in response to somebody saying that this paper's Speak Out forum is full of lying liberals who only want to criticize George Bush(no support for his/her accusation, just the accusation, of course!)
I get at least 1 LTTE published here weekly and normally refrain from Bush bashing - I try to focus more on Congress & the culture of corruption there (I've had a few on DeLay printed) or how the Radical Clerics of the Religious Right are really running the show in America.
Here is my LTTE: There goes another conservative crybaby, whining about liberals or Democrats criticizing their beloved George W. Bush. Did you also write in to Speak Out in during the eight years of the Clinton Administration when Bill Clinton endured far harsher criticism than your War President? Almost all of the Clinton Administration bashing was based on what was proven to be lies. Six years and more than $70 million investigating Whitewater – no ties to the Clintons. Five investigations into the death of Vince Foster – nothing sinister. The Clintons trashed the White House when they left – debunked by the Republican run GAO. Sudan offered Osama to Bill Clinton, but Clinton turned them down – debunked many times, most recently by the Bush appointed 9/11 commission. Clinton lied about Monica. Bush cannot even tell the truth about his falling off a bicycle, let alone his lies about Iraq, terrorism, trickle down tax cuts and just about every policy his White House has implemented.